Wednesday 14 March 2012

Planning- Character List

Before actually filming we made a list of characters and their names next to it so we could quickly call them if they were needed for filming. We thought it was a good idea to keep a backup actor just incase one of our members were ill and were unable to do the filming if we needed them. Thankfully, the backup actor wasn't needed but we were still glad we had one ready for any unexpected things that could have occurred.

  • Main protagonist - Eliot Byrne
  • Vocalist - Charlie Dennis
  • Antagonist - Tom Bramley
  • Girl Actor - Georgia Ashton
  • Backup Actor - Nick Sheldon
The Group:
The Cast
(Left to right) Eliot Byrne, Tom Bramley & Charlie Dennis

The girl actor in the start of the music video - Georgia Ashton:

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