Monday 26 March 2012

Evaluation - Audience Feedback

Audience feedback has been a vital part throughout the whole process of making the music video. It really did make us aware of making sure we got it. Our audience feedback started as soon as thought of the song that we were going to use. The first thing we did including audience feedback was a questionnaire of the song that we did, we did the questionnaire to a variety of our friends not in our group. The questionnaire included the questions on the front and the song lyrics on the back, we also played the song out too, this questionnaire helped us gain ideas for the music video including what thought and feeling they thought of the song. Also, after understanding what groups liked the song and what ages they were. This was a vital part of our planning as it helped us realize what the target audience were and what they thought about the song.

During the second process of our audience feedback we continues to carry on with the development of the music video, this included showing our target audience short snaps of our video and seeing what they thought about it. This process helped us make our music video as professional as we could, as it helped us realize what the audience were looking for and what parts they liked/didn't. A example of using audience feedback was with the start part of the music video, originally that part wasn't there, but quite a few people suggested that it would be helpful there as it gives the audience a feeling of what had just happened, setting the scene. With this we developed the audience's ideas even more in order to keep the music video original and fresh.

The next process was to finalize the music video and show it to the audience. To find out if our video was successful or not we decided to get the video as our there as we could, so we took to one of the most popular media devices out there, Facebook, here we could attract a large scale audience. With Facebook I made a simple post on my news-feed asking for feedback:

Within minutes I started getting positive feedback on what was good about our music video, this was helpful as is was clear that the music video was a success and that people liked it, also, by getting the video having more likes on YouTube it would become more popular when people search specific words:

With our music video we also looked for some constructive critism on where we could improve our video, the below picture gave us some ways we could improve our video if we were to release another edit of the video:

With sending our music video out onto Facebook within five minuets that we put it out there the video went from 7 views up to 31, this showed a rapid increase of viewers of the music video:

To gain even more feedback we then decided to create a questionnaire to give out to the specified audience, with this questionnaire we hoped to gain valuable information of what they thought of the video and what else could be improved, thankfully nearly all of the comments were positive indicating that the music video was successful:
This is an example of the questionnaire given out, with the questions we didn't want to make too many as we wanted the questions stay on track with the music video.



Both these two questionnaire's we received back both look extremely positive showing good feedback to the video, is was extremely vital that we got this type of feedback, so we knew if we needed to improve anything, both these examples show that nothing was really necessary to change and that the video was good.

To conclude, I believe that that as a group we learnt so much from audience feedback, it helped us throughout the various stages of our music video and ancillary tasks, during the feedback stage we learnt that we needed to make the story more clear, so we did that little introduction at the star, and also in the final post production stages we learnt what we could have added/improved on but also we learnt what we did successful.

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