Friday 16 March 2012

Basic Idea

As our idea for the music video and the actual song changed so many times, we had to rethink our ideas and revamp them many times. However, we finally settled on an idea that we thoroughly believed reflected the lyrics and meaning of the song whilst still bringing a new and innovative idea to the song. We wanted to show that the actor in the video has been heart broken by a girl, but he is trying not to let it affect him. However, this idea is very basic. So what we did is we put the whole video in reverse, after the scene had been shown of the girl breaking the protagonist's heart. This scene would be in normal time to show that it is what is happening in real time. The idea to put the film is reverse is to show that the protagonist wants to go back to the point where he either did not know the girl, or to the point in his life where he was not heartbroken by the girl. This relates heavily to the lyrics of the song as it is showing that "Tears won't fall out of my eyes" in the sense that he does not want any heartbreak from the girl. The rest of the video would be clips of the protagonist in reverse walking away from the girl and back into his bed, e.g. the point where he had felt no heartbreak.

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