Sunday 11 March 2012

Ancillary Task- Digipak

Front Cover:
The Ancillary task of creating a digipak, was a very enjoyable task. I have researched into many different digipaks from a variety of different artists. This is are album cover:

This cover is very simple but effective. I have used a picture application to create a more vivid look of the protagonist to use as the front cover. To create this picture I started off by taking a picture of the protagonist. Then using photoshop added effects such as colour toning. 
After researching into many artists album covers, I realised that the most effective of the covers were simple but with a good graphical design of either the artist or something surrounding the artist.
This is what I have created for are album cover, the effect it should have on the audience is to straight away be able to notice that it is are album. Relating the album to the protagonist in the music video will give the audience a connection, making it stand out, if for example it was in a album shop, if the audience didn't know what they name of the song was they maybe able to pick it up due to knowing the artist.

Back Cover:
The back cover is very interesting, as it contains many notifications that people may not see. It also provides the details to what songs are included in the album. 

The back cover to the album was the most time consuming creation of the covers. The cover needs to contain the songs that are in the album and who it may feature. To make it easy access to the audience, I added a colour to the number of each song to make it clear. I also added a bold font design to the name of the song so it stands out and is eye catching if the audience is looking for one particular song.
The Background design that is on the back cover is very effective. It is a very simple picture of a droplet falling into water but it represents more than that to the audience.
It represents a tear drop that is the main significance of the song that we produced. It also creates a amplification of a speaker as the waves ripple into a circle in the same way sound moves.
Lots of piracy continues to happen in the modern day of media, this can be from free downloading of songs, to the selling of films. However it is being monitored by the FBI and now every album that has been produced has to have a copyright certificate to ensure that the product is sold for the creators gain.
This certificate is shown at the bottom of the back cover with small righting confirming the terms of the conditions.
To make the back cover even more professional I have added a bar code to show exactly how the package would look in a shop and where I would locate the bar code.
Side Bar:

This would be down the thin side of the Album cover. I have made it again simple, this shows the artist name and I also added a Brit Award production image at the bottom to show that it is an award winning Artist which again may bring a wider audience.

Sticker Page:

Part of the digipak that I thought of was a stickers page. I thought this would be a great opportunity to add a further piece of advertising to audience. These stickers could be stuck on cars or in there room etc. This is effective as it could bring more notice to Tinie Tempah, promoting are song. These pictures could even produce money for example if someone looked at the T-Shirt they would maybe like to buy.
The stickers would also show A true fan and people like to display if they really like a artist which makes stickers A great use of advertisement.

Lyrics page:

This part of the digipak is a lyrics page. This is effective as an audience may want to know the lyrics to the song. I have used a drawn background of a eye tearing to stick to the blue coloured theme. This picture is also simple to try and keep the text easy to read.
The lyrics can often be found in many professional digipak's this is why I have added it to are digipak. I have placed chorus where the chorus is to make it less writing when people are reading the digipak to find there certain lyrics.

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